Fiddle Music

Opinions and Recommendations

How a Pleasant Melody Can Benefit Us All

Fiddle Songs To Try

McNeela Music

Evidence of Benefit

How Stoked Each Song Makes Me
Song Duration My Stoke Levels
The Chicken Reel 2:33 mins Mid to Moderate
Freefalling 4:03 mins Quite High
Moneymusk 3:40 mins Off the chart
Source: Corinna Kelly

Possible Implications of Fiddle Music

I firmly believe that not just my life is better because of fiddle music, but the whole world could be. The pleasant, upbeat melodies get me up and out of my chair even when I'm not feeling like it. It's likely scientifically impossible to be upset or sad while doing a jig. There are further implications of this as well. Imagine a world where all wars were simply dance battles set to some of the most calming and delightful tunes. Not only would this mean that countries could significantly reduce funding to their militaries and redistribute those funds elsewhere, but also would be a far improvement to how wars are currently fought. No loss of life, just a friendly competition--the way things should be.

While listening to the fiddle is an enjoyable experience, actually playing the instrument comes with benefits of its own. Similar to playing most types of music, it can help to develop the brain, improve memory as well as coordination. It has also been shown to boost creativity and self confidence in the musician. Not to mention, it can make the player happy. If the world was happier, it would certainly be a better place for everyone. Source: