Fiddle Music

Recommendations and Facts

History of the Fiddle


An early form of the fiddle is thought to have been present in the Middle East, relating to lutes that date back to the eigth century. It also appeared in 10th-century Europe, possibly evolving from a Byzantine lira. In the 12th century, one-string gourd fiddles were common in West Africa to accompany singing and dancing. The instrument became more developed in the early 16th century. Britannica

Why the Fiddle?

Two Fiddles
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Similar to many instruments, there is always the opportunity to improve and it is seemingly impossible to reach the limit of the instrument. The fiddle is accessible and mantainable to all levels of player. They can be used in many genres and can adapt to many styles.

Differences from a Violin

The key difference between a fiddle and a violin is simply the type of music the instrument is used to play. A fiddle is typically used to play bluegrass, country, and folk music while violin is usually classical. The body of the instrument has no differences at all, but fiddles are more likely to have flatter bridges to increase the amount of notes that can be played at one time. Fiddles also usually have steel core strings, which are more durable than the typical string. Difference Camp